We Are Discontinuing Paper Letters of Delivery Attempts

As of August 22, 2024, Smartpost will no longer send automatic paper notifications about failed courier deliveries. Until now, we sent paper letters when a courier was unable to deliver a package to the recipient, and we didn’t have the recipient’s phone number or email address.

Customers ordering parcels from Germany should pay particular attention. German legislation prohibits postal companies from sharing customer contact details, such as phone numbers or email addresses, with third parties. Therefore, for some parcels sent from Germany, Smartpost only receive the recipient’s address without any additional contact information.

We recommend that customers awaiting a parcel monitor its journey on the Smartpost website. The tracking page will also show delivery attempts: for example, if a courier brought the package to the address but the recipient was not home. After a delivery attempt, the parcel will return to Smartpost’s sorting center, where it will be held for up to 14 days. After this period, the parcel will be sent back to the sender. If recipients notice that their parcels have been returned to the sorting center following a delivery attempt, they should immediately contact our customer service to arrange how they can receive their parcels.

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