In English


HTMLi <head> tagi sisse tuleb lisada järgmised read:
Kui käesolev leht on https'i kaudu saadaval, siis
  <script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
HTMLi body sisse, transportivaliku vormi alla - järgmine javascript:
  <script type="text/javascript">
   var smartLocation = new SmartLocation(
         target_id:  "target_id",  // widget konteineri id (vaikimisi - "smartpost_widget_target")
                                   // see konteiner peab kindlasti asuma vormis, mida hakatakse saatma
         placeid_name: "sp_id",    // pakkiautomati asukoha id sisaldava
                                   // selecti nimi (selle asukoha id postitakse koos vormiga), 
                                   // vaikimisi - "smartpost_terminal_id"
         placename_name: "sp_name", // pakkiautomati asukoha nimi sisaldava
                                    // selecti nimi (postitakse koos vormiga),
                                    // vaikimsi - "smartpost_terminal_name"
         selected_id: 136,          // kui seadistatud, valitakse vastava pakiautomaati
         default_id: 0,             // "Vali pakiautomaat" välja ID (Vaikimisi "-")
         show_infotext: true,     // kas näidata infoteksti
         show_logo: true,         // kas näidata logot
         show_city: true,         // kas näidata linna
         show_address: true,      // kas näidata asutuse aadressi
         show_opened: true,       // kas näidata millal on asutus avatud
         show_description: false, // kas näidata kirjedust
         show_default: false,     // kas näidata vaikevalikut
         //text_infotext:    "Siia tuleb infotekst", //infoteksti väärtus (vaikimisi - kijeldus 
                                                     //pakiautomaati asukohtade linkidega
         text_place:       "Asukoht",                //asukoha label (vaikimisi - "Pakiautomaadi asukoht:")
         text_city:        "Linn",                   //linna label (vaikimisi - "Pakiautomaadi aadress:")
         text_address:     "Aadress",                //aadressi label (vaikimisi - "Pakiautomaadi linn:")
         text_opened:      "Avatud",                 //avatud label (vaikimisi - "Pakiautomaadi lahtiolekuaeg:")
         text_description: "Kirjeldus",              //kirjelduse label (vaikimisi - "Kirjeldus:")
         text_default_item:"- Vali PA -"             //vaikevaliku tekst (vaikimisi - "- Vali PA -")

Ülevalolev kood tekitab sellise widget'i

Minimaalne variant

     <script type="text/javascript">
         var smartLocation = new SmartLocation(
               target_id:  "target_id2",  
               placeid_name: "sp_id2",
               placename_name: "sp_name2", 
               show_infotext: false,
               show_logo: false,
               show_city: false,
               show_address: false,
               show_opened: false,
               show_description: false,
               show_default: true,

               text_place:       "Pakiautomaat",
               text_default_item: "-- Vali Pakiautomaat --"


The following content should be added to HTML <head>:
If the webpage is accessed through https
  <script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
Following javascript should be added in the body below transport choice form:
(Note: default values are in estonian language)
  <script type="text/javascript">
   var smartLocation = new SmartLocation(
         target_id:  "target_id",  // widget container id (default - "smartpost_widget_target")
                                   // this container must be in the form to be sent
         placeid_name: "sp_id",    // the name of select element which contains
                                   // parcel terminal id value (POSTed with the form), 
                                   // default - "smartpost_terminal_id"
         placename_name: "sp_name", // the name of select element which contains
                                    // parcel terminal name value (POSTed with the form), 
                                    // default - "smartpost_terminal_name"
         selected_id: 136,          // if set, corresponding parcel terminal will be selected
         default_id: 0,             // Default ID (default - "-")
         show_infotext: true, // whether to show infotext
         show_logo: true,     // whether to show logo
         show_city: true,     // whether to show city
         show_address: true,  // whether to show address
         show_opened: true,   // whether to show opened time
         show_description: false, // whether to show description
         show_default: false, // whether to show default "unselected" selection
         //text_infotext:    "Siia tuleb infotekst", // infotext value (default - simple decription with
                                                     // links to parcel terminal locations
         text_place:       "Asukoht",                // place label (default - "Pakiautomaadi asukoht:")
         text_city:        "Linn",                   // city label (default - "Pakiautomaadi aadress:")
         text_address:     "Aadress",                // address label (default - "Pakiautomaadi linn:")
         text_opened:      "Avatud",                 // opened label (default - "Pakiautomaadi lahtiolekuaeg:")
         text_description: "Kirjeldus",              // description label (default - "Kirjeldus:")
         text_default_item:"- Vali PA -"             // "unselected" item title (default - "- Vali PA -")			

Abovementioned code creates the following widget

Minimal variant

     <script type="text/javascript">
         var smartLocation = new SmartLocation(
               target_id:  "target_id2",  
               placeid_name: "sp_id2",
               placename_name: "sp_name2", 
               show_infotext: false,
               show_logo: false,
               show_city: false,
               show_address: false,
               show_opened: false,
               show_description: false,
               show_default: true,
               text_place:        "Pakiautomaat",
               text_default_item: "-- Vali Pakiautomaat --"